D r i v e r ' s   S i d e
all about
passenger's side
driver's side
where it's been
where it is
Where It's Going
flash suit

Before the first camera was glued to the van in 1993, fellow car artist Ron Dolce lent Blank some pivotal advice: "Harrod, you can't just glue a bunch of cameras on a van and call it art," he said. "You have to paint with the cameras." The result? A perfect, blow up-replica of a kodak instamatic on the camera Van's driver's side comprised entirely of Kodak instamatics. Other features of the driver's side include a halogen strobe-lit star of antique flash cubes, spot mirrors and cameras hailing the camera's role in creating and capturing celebrity.
Now let's check out the inside

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Harrod Blank
Berkeley, CA

All material
by Harrod Blank
1999. Do not
use anything
without prior
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